Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tools for Manifesting

By April Eckwielen

We all have things to use in daily life that help us with certain tasks. These are the things in our toolbox that we can come back to time and again to help in certain situations. When it comes to manifesting our desires to the universe, we can have a set of tools to guide us down our path to make things happen.

Below is a list of tools that can be used to help in your manifesting process and links to resources on different things you can do to help in this process.

Useful manifesting tools include:
  • Vision boards
  • Oracle cards
  • Meditation exercises
  • Intention setting ceremony
  • Vibrational healing
  • Journaling
  • Working with a Life Coach

Manifesting Meditation:https://gabbybernstein.com/a-meditation-for-manifesting/


These are just a few tools and resources that you can use to help with the manifesting process. Use what speaks to you and be patient with the process.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Make it Happen

By April Eckwielen

We always have energy around us. Our thoughts and actions send messages constantly out into the universe. I am sure you have heard the saying “What you put out is what you will get back.” You may not agree, but when it comes to manifesting, the act of putting things out into the universe, this saying is 100% true.

The vibes that we put out are the ones we will return to us. If the energy is constantly negative, we will continue to be surrounded by that negativity. By understanding what we truly desire and being able put that energy out into the universe to be truly happy can be a learning curve for some. We manifest things all the time, but may need to do a little fine tuning to actually see results.

To manifest, we need to hold space. Take some time to settle with your thoughts. Clear out your old limiting beliefs and come to a new way of thinking. Let go of all the old baggage that was holding you back and focus on what will truly make you happy. Start small and work from there. There is no need to create a list a mile long of everything you want. Let your mind be still so you can really listen to what you are being guided to. Once you have that focus, you can then spend your time on your action plan of letting your manifestation come to light. Patience is key here. Don’t get discouraged because the desire you wanted didn’t happen overnight. These things take time and sometimes reveal themselves to us bit by bit, showing us the end result much later down the road. Don’t be afraid to change things up. You may need to adjust what you are manifesting and that is ok. You need to feel good about the things you are manifesting so what comes back to you is what you truly want.

Manifesting can be challenging, especially if you are coming from a space of fear or negativity. Take a deep breath and come from the heart. Take a step back when you need to and reevaluate. Stay committed to the process and know that you control your destiny. Put the vibe out there and magical things will happen.