By April Eckwielen
“You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
I came across this quote the other day and sat and thought about it for a while. I thought about my life and the person I have become over the years, and most recently who I have become in the last 6 months.
Looking back, I recognize now that I was not creating myself to be who I truly am. I wasn’t living authentically. I was talking the talk, but I was living a completely different life. I spoke to others about speaking their truths, getting the most out of their lives and standing in their own personal power without hesitation, but I was doing none of that. I was living inside my head, letting ego take over and tell me that I wasn’t good enough, I wouldn’t be successful and I should just give up now while I had the chance. My strength was gone. The vibes I was putting out into the universe were negative and cold and I was getting exactly those vibes back. I backed down and gave away my power for the sole purpose of making others happy and to avoid conflict. This resulted in a deep depression and putting up a wall so I could seclude myself from the outside world.
The life I was creating because of the thoughts in my head was spiraling downward rapidly and all I kept doing was fanning the flames to make it go faster. Here I thought I was doing everything I could to make the life I wanted, but in truth I was doing everything to sabotage it and I wasn’t even realizing it. It took a conversation with a close friend to make me have my light bulb moment and begin to make changes. I began seeking out ways to help me create the life I wanted. I attended workshops, life coaching sessions and special events to get me out of my comfort zone and become empowered with the new me that I was creating. I sought out like minded people and found those who were on the same path as I was and made them my tribe. I put the things I was taught into action and began seeing how much better I felt by creating the life I wanted, and how what I was doing was giving a little spark to others who wanted to become more empowered in their own lives. It was a domino effect of empowering vibes that kept opening new doors for myself and others to create the life that they wanted.
Looking back at the quote above, I can definitely say that it is 100% true. We are what we create ourselves to be. The actions we take and words we say have a huge impact on how we shape our lives. They can either keep us down, not allowing us to reach our full potential, or they can build us up, creating the life we have always wanted and empowering us to not take anything less. Ask yourself: Are you creating the life you want? Are you empowered or are you afraid of living the life you want no matter what anyone else thinks? Think about it. Meditate on it. If you are not living your life empowered by your words and actions, now is the time to change. Be the creator of the life you want, speak your truth and become the empowered person you were meant to be. You can do it. All you have to do is take that first step.
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