Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Meditation: What's That?

By April Eckwielen

Meditation is becoming more and more of a common activity that people are adding to their daily lives. There is always a story in the news, a new app that has launched or something crossing your social media feed about how you can bring calm to your life through mediation. The process of meditation seems simple: sit quietly, close your eyes, focus on your breath and begin. But, for most, beginning and keeping a meditation practice can be difficult.  

Let me start off with this confession: My name is April and I can’t meditate. Did I shock you?  You’re probably thinking how can this woman be a yoga instructor and not be able to meditate? The answer is simple: my mind is too loud. Don’t get me wrong, I try all the time, but the constant chatter that goes on in my mind usually wins the so-you-think-you-can-meditate battle. I am sure that many of you can relate to this struggle of an always running mind. Daily tasks, ideas about my next articles, family life, work stress and focusing on things I have no control over are just a few of the things that have my mind always running on turbo speed. This is what many of us struggle with.  

So how can I, a not-so-great meditator, give you guidance on your own meditation practice? Well, the answer is I know what to do, I just don’t listen to my own advice. Maybe by the time I finish writing this article, some of my own information will sink in and I can be there, right along with you on beginning (again) a meditation practice.

  • Start small. Sit for just a few minutes once a week and grow from there. Take that time to connect with your breath. Pay attention to how you feel after. When you are comfortable with adding more days or lengthening your time, go for it!
  • Don’t worry about the “supplies”. You don’t need anything special for your meditation session. A comfy and quiet place to sit or even stand is all you need. Sure having incense burning, sitting on a custom meditation cushion and having serene music softly playing in the background is a nice addition, but not required. All you need is yourself and your breath to get you started.
  • Explore incorporating an intention. Try to set an intention when you begin your meditation. It could be anything from having your best day possible to asking for guidance on something that is weighing on you. Your intention is your own and can be changed when you feel the time is right.
  • Check in. Our minds naturally wander. It’s what they do. If you find yourself thinking about your grocery list instead of your intention, acknowledge the thoughts without judgement and return back to the breath. Sometimes, things may pop in from your meditation and you might not be sure what to do. Try staying with that thought or emotion that may come up. See where it takes you. It may be divine intervention stepping in and speaking with you.
  • Don’t freak out if you miss a session. We are all human and life happens. Don’t beat yourself up for missing your meditation time. The great news is that when you are ready to come back, it is always ready to welcome you back with open arms. Remember, there is no right or wrong and there is no set schedule you have to have in order to have a meditation practice.  

These are just a few ideas on how you can start (or in my case re-start) your meditation practice. Play around with different ways that you can add this time to your day. Remember, it’s a practice. Practice makes permanent, not perfect. It’s ok if you are like me and have to keep starting over for the 7,411th time. Make your meditation practice your own and enjoy the calm and mindfulness it will bring into your life.

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